Monday, November 30

you have got to be kidding me

so the other night I was leaving an event and decided to take the bus home. call me crazy if you wish, but I love taking the bus. yes I know it takes longer than most modes of transportation (sometimes including walking), but I would much rather be able to look at things rather than being stuck underground. now a post about buses probably does not sound too exciting - but wait til you hear this story.

I get on the bus at a stop (cannot recall which one, but it is not really pertinent to the story). the stop was before the light. the bus stopped, people got off and people got on. we then left the stop, got to the light and had to wait because it was red. I am sitting in the front and next thing I know this guy in a wheelchair comes racing through the crosswalk, screaming and PARKS HIMSELF RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BUS! I kid you not - he stopped his wheelchair right in front of the bus so we could not move. and we legit sat there for about 20 minutes waiting for this guy to move.

some pedestrian even tried talking the guy out from in front of the bus. but Mr. Crazy kept screaming something about the bus driver left him on purpose. (I don't necessarily think that was the case, but then again I wasn't the one parked in front of a bus). there was even a point where the guy took his bottle of soda and chucked it at the windshield. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for the bus driver later to clean off sticky coca-cola. one passenger was genius enough to call the cops. the showed up a bit later and literally as soon as they came he moved out from in front of the bus.

the best part of it all - while he was "defiantly" parked in front of the bus, THREE other buses passed that he could have easily taken instead.

even though I was frustrated at the time (I really just wanted to get home), it sure made for an awesome story. only in New York right?
(this wasn't exactly the image I was going for, but it was the closest I could find)

Thursday, November 12

why yes, of course my night doesn't start til midnight on a weekday

So last night was the One Man Boy Band's 21st birthday.

that should give you an idea of what the night was like right there.

the night started with a little pre-gaming action at The Instigator's place and Fabulous and her Plus One joined us as well. every good night should start with a little bit of bubbly - so we did just that. White Zinfandel Champagne (I never knew there was such a thing) mixed with Strawberry Champagne = amazing. (and an amazing headache the next day too) so we finally leave the apartment at about 12:30 (the party did not start until midnight), leave Plus One on the corner and hop in a cab and head to Kiss & Fly (anyone ever heard of it? because I sure haven't). it was your typical Meatpacking District club, complete with douchbags and trashy B&T girls.

when we get there the bouncer starts looking at me weird and asking me if I was with the other two, because apparently I was messing up the "chemistry" of the group. interesting. Fabulous was, well, fabulous in that she basically told the guy that I was their best friend and she didn't appreciate his remarks, he was being very rude, we were there for a friend's birthday, on the list and to just let us in. it was amazing. the adventure wasn't over yet. we get inside and the guy there is telling us it's $5 to get. I guess there goes the point of putting names on a list. we didn't know quite what to do because none of us had cash on us. so after 30 seconds of standing there he makes the comment "if you can't afford it then you can leave." I really wanted to tell him - son, I make more than you do in a year so don't talk to me about not being able to afford it, I just didn't have the $5 on me at the moment. he even tries telling us that it is a reduced cover and that it is normally $25 to get in. really? you are in Meatpacking. and it's already about 1 in the morning by now. and it's a Wednesday night. you aren't that special to be charging $25 covers...

but we wanted to see the One Man Boy Band, so Fabulous decides to go to the ATM that they conveniently have there and take out money to get us all in. and we still had one more obstacle to go. apparently at this place you HAVE to check your coat. the next bouncer wouldn't let us through without checking our coats. and the coat check was $3 each. and you couldn't put two coats on the same hanger (lame). well since we only had a $5 bill left, Fabulous hung up hers (because it was bigger) and the Instigator and I just put our small jackets in Fabulous' purse.

finally we made it in the club. no more obstacles (unless you count the drunken people mingling about). make it to the middle of the place and FINALLY see the One Man Boy Band. all the adventures before that was worth it right there. the One Man Boy Band is an amazing person and being able to help him celebrate his 21st birthday (it only happens once) was worth everything that night.

so we dance. and dance. and dance. and the liquor is flowing (I tried to be a good girl since I had to work the next day). of course there is a fight - boys cannot seem to control there testosterone. but then everyone goes back to dancing. they even played Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" and EVERYONE in the place was singing it. :) and later the One Man Boy Band kind of shoves me to dance with his friend - a Chuck Bass look-a-like (almost. it was dark - cut me some slack). well it turns out Chuck Bass is a great dancer. :)

oh, and quite randomly - two members of the Black Eyed Peas showed up. so of course the DJ played their songs (again, because we had already heard them by this time of the night) and the guys grabbed the mics and started singing along. really? I already know what you sound like when you sing, so you just singing over the lyrics that you've already sung is not that big of deal.

the night eventually comes to a close because it was 3:30 in the morning and all of us had our big girl jobs the next day. so we said goodbye to One Man Boy Band (I said goodbye to Chuck Bass) and we left. when we get outside I discover that Fabulous had a slight altercation with a boy who must have thought he was the Maharaja of India or something. not sure of the exact story, but it essentially went like this:

Maharaja grabs Fabulous to dance.
Fabulous says no (I think it was more in of the form of body language (i.e. pulling her arm away) rather than using actual words).
Maharaja calls Fabulous bitch.
repeats the name.
and over.
and over.
interspersed throughout "bitch" he claims that he will throw her out of the club.
somehow gets bouncer to come over.
bouncer basically just stands there, cannot believe what is going on and finally leaves.
it may have been at this point that the Maharaja realizes he wasn't going to win, with either Fabulous or the bouncer so he gave up.

so Fabulous hops on the subway and the Instigator and I get in a cab and we all head home. at 4 in the morning. works starts at 9 in the morning. awesome.

but the night was completely worth it. ;)

Wednesday, October 28

volunteering has it's advantages

so it is quite common knowledge that I volunteer - a lot. but it does come with many advantages. and many of those are free. case in point - last night.

at the MET we have preview receptions for our higher paying members (i.e. $1000s and above every year) where they get to see the new exhibitions before anyone else does. now I don't have $1000s of dollars to donate to the museum of year, but I do donate my time (technically speaking). so last night I was invited to attend one of these receptions for FREE. and not only did Fabulous and I get to go to the museum after hours (which it is really cool at night, I must admit), but we got to drink wine for FREE. and they didn't have just wine - there was an array of liquor choices as well. so Fabulous and I sat at one of the tables they had set up amongst the sculptures, sipping on wine and eating these delicious little cracker cheese stick things (which of course ended up being my dinner).

(this isn't exactly what it looked like at the MET, but you get the general idea)

Sunday, September 27

Why yes, I'll have more champagne

so Gossip Girl and I were going to partake in Fashion Night Out, and by partake I mean stand in line at Bergdorff's because the Olsen twins were bartending.
well Gossip Girl and I tried to this, but to no avail. we were only 30 minutes late from when the twins started bartending (mind you the "event" was going on for a few hours). but by the time we got up to the restaurant they had already closed the entire floor! it was beyond crazy up there and even harder to back down to the main floor. thank god there wasn't a fire or anything or we would have burned up for sure (and without seeing the twins too...).
scratch that idea then. Gossip Girl decided to go next door to Fabulous' work and just drink free champagne. and it was the good shit too - Perrier-Jouet. it was free flowing all night. and the special guest there was an opera singer (most would not find that aspect too exciting, but I enjoyed). so I spent the night filling up on the bubbly and let me just tell you it was an interesting next day at work...

Tuesday, September 1

I'm On A Boat

So one warm summer evening, the girls and I decided to take a booze cruise.

$39 for an hour and a half of open bar and a cruise around the NY harbor. not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

and it wasn't just any boat. as you can see above, we actually were on a legit sailboat. how cool is that?!

so the cruise started at 7 (well 7:30 technically). and of course my friends and I were the first ones on line for the bar. (we were thirsty, can't can I say).

the cruise was actually a lot of fun. mainly because of the copious amounts of drinks involved, but also because it was at the perfect time. sunset. (see photos below for your viewing pleasure). there is not much else to say about the cruise. just use your imagination. it was a boat + (free) drinks + the city at sunset = heaven. :)

Friday, August 28

I'm officially a Mets fan. well I was a few weeks ago anyway...

this isn't really all that exciting. me and the girls went to a Mets game. that's the story.

however, it was my first time ever being in a professional baseball stadium. so that was sort of cool. and then before we hopped on the subway to Queens we stopped at Chipotle. I was waiting until we got to the game so I could get a hot dog (hot dogs and baseball just go together), but I did get myself some beers there (they would have been cheaper than in the stadium) and definitely brown-bagged that in the subway.

classic New York

so I'm not sure if this is necessarily "classic" New York. but it was definitely one of those perfect summer nights doing something you can only do in the city.

a movie in Bryant Park.

Fabulous and I met at the park after work (well after work for me anyways), spread out our blanket (which is amazing by the way - all weather blanket at Bed, Bath & Beyond. check it out.) poured the wine, and sat back and relaxed while waiting for the movie to start.

it was real classy too in that our wine was definitely in water bottles. red wine no less. their was an event at my work in which there was wine and cheese, food and yep, water bottles. so I grabbed two of those water bottles, dumped out the water and poured in the wine. :) I even made a little plate of cheese to take with me as well. we step up the classy-ness a little when our new friends gave us "wine glasses" in which to drink our wine from (see photo). one of the guys also got a pizza - which they totally shared with us. a fantastic night if I do say so myself.

however, for the life of me I cannot tell you what the movie was about. think I had a little too much fun drinking that wine...

Wednesday, July 8

"that's just delicate"

I have never seen a Marilyn Monroe movie until Monday night.

There is a festival that goes on during the summer called River to River. They host movies, concerts, dance, etc. This past Monday night Fabulous and I went to see a free movie:

The Seven Year Itch

It actually was a really, really funny movie. I loved it. The space in which we saw the movie was also amazing. It was down in the Financial District and it's called the Elevated Acre. Essentially it is this open courtyard between two buildings that is open and also borders the water. The festival set up a "grass" area (a.k.a. astro-turf) and a giant blow up screen in which to watch the movie on.
Fabulous and I managed to squeeze ourselves into a small space on the "grass." We were chillin for a little while and realized that we had a bit more time before the movie started. So I scrambled on over to the Duane Reade next door and bought us a six-pack. The movie pretty much started as soon as I got back. Fabulous and I were enjoying our beers, which we were able to get open thanks to our lovely neighbors who had a bottle opener (since of course, Fabulous and I didn't think about that before I bought the beer) and eating fruit snacks (great combo with beer - I know).

All in all, a great night. :)

Tuesday, July 7

no better way to celebrate

4th of July this year was rather interesting. I guess you could almost say it was done New York style.

A friend of mine was in town for the weekend and I was going to take her somewhere along the Hudson River to see the Macy's Firework show. However, plans changed a little the Friday night before when my friend, we shall call him Med School, informs me that a friend of his lives down in the financial district and invited us to join him on the rooftop to watch the fireworks. Mind you this building was around 50 stories tall - I wasn't going to say no.

So Saturday rolls around and we had to wait for Med School to get out of work, which he didn't until 8:30pm, then of course we had to stop at the liquor store to grab some libations. We got to the building around 9:00pm only to be told (rather rudely I may add) by the security guard that they were not letting anyone else up on the roof. I would have been pissed had I actually lived in that building and was just coming home or something...

But luckily Med School had another friend that also lived in the financial district (actually on Wall Street I might add), so we went to that building instead. We get inside and the guard stops us. Med School tells him something to the affect of we are going to visit a friend to watch the fireworks and that the "friend" is already on the roof. The guard states that he has to call the apartment anyways, so we wait. Guard calls, no one answers, he sends us up anyway. When we get to the roof Med School informs us that his friend actually doesn't live in the building anymore - he moved out 2 months ago!

Since we were already on the roof though, we decided to make a party of it. Even though the view was not that great - we had to stand on chairs and could only really see a sliver of the fireworks going on - we still had ourselves some wine, some absinthe (poured into a Gatorade bottle no less), snacks, and a Crackberry "blasting" Pandora.

Not exactly the scenario I had in my head when Med School originally told me a "rooftop party," but it was still enjoyable nonetheless. :)

Thursday, June 11

I ventured to Brooklyn again

So this isn't all that exciting, but this past weekend the Canadian (a friend) and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was my first time ever doing this and it was such an enjoyable walk!

The view from the bridge was gorgeous! No matter where you stood, you had a perfect view of both Manhattan and Brooklyn. The fact that it was 75 degrees and sunny probably helped matters too.

Also, we somehow ended up walking down Division Avenue and I had a very scary vision. We had perfect timing to make it on this street right when synagogue let out and the streets were filled with nothing but hasidic Jews. The scary part was that every single Jewish girl on that street was pushing a baby stroller. Many of them also had other little rug rats trailing behind them. But this is what nice Jewish girls do - they grow up and have nice Jewish babies. They become nothing but Jewish baby breeding machines. I think this is my grandmother's vision for me - grow up, marry a nice Jewish doctor (or lawyer or whatever other profession makes boku bucks), and then have nice Jewish babies. At least she is not requiring me to become hasidic....

p.s. - please ignore the snow in the picture as this was the only picture I could find. it was 75 degrees and sunny the day I took a stroll down this hell street.

Tuesday, May 19

this is why I love New York

In such a crazy and big city as the Big Apple, it's good to know people who know people. Case in point - last Friday night I went with my fellow law school dropout to a birthday party for her friend. Now this friend of hers is a promoter for certain clubs in the city and as such the party was at a place called Citrine Lounge. There was an open bar from 10:30-11:30 and while I had never been to a club/bar/lounge/whatever that early, I couldn't say no to free drinks! So come 11:30 when the open bar officially ended and I had had one too much vodka cranberries, my little happy drunk self was dancing up a storm. Not only did this place have many cute boys to boot (though it could have been alcohol goggles telling me so), I seriously made a new best friend. We bonded over cheap shopping finds (her: a fun black, cutout shirt bought for $7 on the streets of LA and me: black peep-toe "Christian Louboutin" heels for $12 from Marshalls). [Side note: I say Christian Louboutin's in "" because there is no way I will ever be able to afford real ones.] And we became facebook friends that night (no joke).

After my buzz started to slowly wear off and my friend's feet started to really hurt from her super cute shoes, we decided to call it a night and drag our happy butts home. However, on our walk home we come across this place called Duvet. I proceed to explain to friend that there was an episode of Sex and the City where they go to a place called Bed - which is based off of Duvet. The gentleman outside tries to get us to go in - I told him we would only go if it's free. Next thing I know he hands us 2 tickets, we skip the massive line waiting to get in, go through security (no joke - they had women with metal dectector wands checking everyone that went in), and finally make it inside. It was a cool place and they literally have beds everywhere. Now there was great music playing, so of course I drag friend to the dance floor. She finally cannot stand the pain in her feet anymore, so we leave Minorities R Us (literally, I have never felt like more of a minority. lol) and catch a cab home.

We get in the cab and after telling the driver there would be two stops the conversation went like this:

Him: "Do you like music?"
Me: "Definitely."
Him: "Would you like me to sing to you?"
Me: "Uh, ok."

The cabbie then proceeds to serenade us with Indian music all the way home.

A very interesting night if I do say so myself.

Sunday, May 10

this is why I don't do boroughs...

So Fabulous and I decided to venure out one night to other side of the pond, a.k.a. Brooklyn. Now mind you that I must preface this story with the fact that we had started drinking MANY hours before we even left...

Our adventure began just on our walk to the subway. Fabulous and I were jamming out to her iPod and these little girls stop in the middle of the sidewalk and start breaking it down with us! Literally we were having a dance party on the sidewalk and, I am sad to say, that the 11 and 12 year olds definitely schooled us. Then just a block later a little (well actually I am pretty sure it was GIANT) rat ran across our paths and scared the shit out of us!! Seriously, I don't think I have ever screamed so loud in my life.

Finally we make it to the subway and get on the train to begin our looooooooooooong journey to the borough. We are just sitting there minding our own business, jamming out to tunes when these boys get on with a video camera. They literally videotaped us for half of the trip down the island. I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on YouTube, though it would be the most boring video ever because literally Fabulous and I did nothing while he was filming.

We finally make it to Brooklyn - somewhere on Smith street. The first bar we went to was a bit boring, making us think we never should have ventured out there. But then we went to this place called Creol (I think that's how it is spelled) that had karaoke. It turned out to be the best time ever!! Fabulous and I were jamming out to people singing (or attempting to sing) for the rest of the night. Then the two best surprises were that at the end of the night. First, one of the bartenders busted out with the song "Suspicious Minds" and I seriously thought he was the actual singer!! He was that good! Second, the VERY cute waiter/barback/whatever, complete with an Irish accent, sang the last song of the night - Ice, Ice Baby. We stayed and danced for a little longer and then started our venture home...

First off, there was definitely a girl fight breaking out right by the subway station. I was expecting to see weaves start flying all over the place. So we make it to the subway platform only to realize that we were on the wrong side as the train was headed to Coney Island (definitely not where we wanted to go at 3 in the morning). We go back outside, walk by the fight again, and down to the other side we were supposed to originally be on. The best part was that Fabulous and I both have unlimited metro cards so we had to wait a certain amount of time before we could swipe them again. And as luck would have the train passed while we were waiting on the outside. boo. Finally, we were able to use our cards again. Made it on to the platform, waited literally about another 10 minutes for the train. Now mind you that we only had to take this train one stop (stupid construction). So we get on the next train, which we though would take us home, only to find out that this train took us all the way over to the west side (we live on the east side). Finally we get out of the subway and just take a taxi the rest of the way home.

Did I mention that this entire time I was sick with a cold?

moral of the story: it's going to be a long while until I venure out to the boroughs again...

Monday, January 5

Really? Are you serious??

So sometimes I really think the homeless are ungrateful.
Seriously, you are living on the streets, BEGGING for money so you can get something to eat (because let's face it - alcohol will only get you so far for so long).
A few weeks ago I decided to go to Burger King (I know - don't say it - I have already repremanded myself for going) for dinner. I passed this homeless guy standing outside McDonald's begging. He had no coat on (it was December mind you) and was about the size of a toothpick. I had no cash on me (I never carry it because I will only spend it), but I decided to be nice and get an extra 99 cent burger for him. It was only a dollar and I could afford to spend it, so I figured why not (besides Santa still had to come - so I had to be a nice girl). When I walked past him again and handed him the burger he didn't even say thank you!! Seriously?? I just bought you dinner and you can't even afford to thank me?!
Maybe he was upset that I bought him a burger from Burger King rather than from the McDonald's he was standing in front of...