Thursday, June 11

I ventured to Brooklyn again

So this isn't all that exciting, but this past weekend the Canadian (a friend) and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was my first time ever doing this and it was such an enjoyable walk!

The view from the bridge was gorgeous! No matter where you stood, you had a perfect view of both Manhattan and Brooklyn. The fact that it was 75 degrees and sunny probably helped matters too.

Also, we somehow ended up walking down Division Avenue and I had a very scary vision. We had perfect timing to make it on this street right when synagogue let out and the streets were filled with nothing but hasidic Jews. The scary part was that every single Jewish girl on that street was pushing a baby stroller. Many of them also had other little rug rats trailing behind them. But this is what nice Jewish girls do - they grow up and have nice Jewish babies. They become nothing but Jewish baby breeding machines. I think this is my grandmother's vision for me - grow up, marry a nice Jewish doctor (or lawyer or whatever other profession makes boku bucks), and then have nice Jewish babies. At least she is not requiring me to become hasidic....

p.s. - please ignore the snow in the picture as this was the only picture I could find. it was 75 degrees and sunny the day I took a stroll down this hell street.

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