Wednesday, July 8

"that's just delicate"

I have never seen a Marilyn Monroe movie until Monday night.

There is a festival that goes on during the summer called River to River. They host movies, concerts, dance, etc. This past Monday night Fabulous and I went to see a free movie:

The Seven Year Itch

It actually was a really, really funny movie. I loved it. The space in which we saw the movie was also amazing. It was down in the Financial District and it's called the Elevated Acre. Essentially it is this open courtyard between two buildings that is open and also borders the water. The festival set up a "grass" area (a.k.a. astro-turf) and a giant blow up screen in which to watch the movie on.
Fabulous and I managed to squeeze ourselves into a small space on the "grass." We were chillin for a little while and realized that we had a bit more time before the movie started. So I scrambled on over to the Duane Reade next door and bought us a six-pack. The movie pretty much started as soon as I got back. Fabulous and I were enjoying our beers, which we were able to get open thanks to our lovely neighbors who had a bottle opener (since of course, Fabulous and I didn't think about that before I bought the beer) and eating fruit snacks (great combo with beer - I know).

All in all, a great night. :)

Tuesday, July 7

no better way to celebrate

4th of July this year was rather interesting. I guess you could almost say it was done New York style.

A friend of mine was in town for the weekend and I was going to take her somewhere along the Hudson River to see the Macy's Firework show. However, plans changed a little the Friday night before when my friend, we shall call him Med School, informs me that a friend of his lives down in the financial district and invited us to join him on the rooftop to watch the fireworks. Mind you this building was around 50 stories tall - I wasn't going to say no.

So Saturday rolls around and we had to wait for Med School to get out of work, which he didn't until 8:30pm, then of course we had to stop at the liquor store to grab some libations. We got to the building around 9:00pm only to be told (rather rudely I may add) by the security guard that they were not letting anyone else up on the roof. I would have been pissed had I actually lived in that building and was just coming home or something...

But luckily Med School had another friend that also lived in the financial district (actually on Wall Street I might add), so we went to that building instead. We get inside and the guard stops us. Med School tells him something to the affect of we are going to visit a friend to watch the fireworks and that the "friend" is already on the roof. The guard states that he has to call the apartment anyways, so we wait. Guard calls, no one answers, he sends us up anyway. When we get to the roof Med School informs us that his friend actually doesn't live in the building anymore - he moved out 2 months ago!

Since we were already on the roof though, we decided to make a party of it. Even though the view was not that great - we had to stand on chairs and could only really see a sliver of the fireworks going on - we still had ourselves some wine, some absinthe (poured into a Gatorade bottle no less), snacks, and a Crackberry "blasting" Pandora.

Not exactly the scenario I had in my head when Med School originally told me a "rooftop party," but it was still enjoyable nonetheless. :)