Sunday, May 10

this is why I don't do boroughs...

So Fabulous and I decided to venure out one night to other side of the pond, a.k.a. Brooklyn. Now mind you that I must preface this story with the fact that we had started drinking MANY hours before we even left...

Our adventure began just on our walk to the subway. Fabulous and I were jamming out to her iPod and these little girls stop in the middle of the sidewalk and start breaking it down with us! Literally we were having a dance party on the sidewalk and, I am sad to say, that the 11 and 12 year olds definitely schooled us. Then just a block later a little (well actually I am pretty sure it was GIANT) rat ran across our paths and scared the shit out of us!! Seriously, I don't think I have ever screamed so loud in my life.

Finally we make it to the subway and get on the train to begin our looooooooooooong journey to the borough. We are just sitting there minding our own business, jamming out to tunes when these boys get on with a video camera. They literally videotaped us for half of the trip down the island. I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on YouTube, though it would be the most boring video ever because literally Fabulous and I did nothing while he was filming.

We finally make it to Brooklyn - somewhere on Smith street. The first bar we went to was a bit boring, making us think we never should have ventured out there. But then we went to this place called Creol (I think that's how it is spelled) that had karaoke. It turned out to be the best time ever!! Fabulous and I were jamming out to people singing (or attempting to sing) for the rest of the night. Then the two best surprises were that at the end of the night. First, one of the bartenders busted out with the song "Suspicious Minds" and I seriously thought he was the actual singer!! He was that good! Second, the VERY cute waiter/barback/whatever, complete with an Irish accent, sang the last song of the night - Ice, Ice Baby. We stayed and danced for a little longer and then started our venture home...

First off, there was definitely a girl fight breaking out right by the subway station. I was expecting to see weaves start flying all over the place. So we make it to the subway platform only to realize that we were on the wrong side as the train was headed to Coney Island (definitely not where we wanted to go at 3 in the morning). We go back outside, walk by the fight again, and down to the other side we were supposed to originally be on. The best part was that Fabulous and I both have unlimited metro cards so we had to wait a certain amount of time before we could swipe them again. And as luck would have the train passed while we were waiting on the outside. boo. Finally, we were able to use our cards again. Made it on to the platform, waited literally about another 10 minutes for the train. Now mind you that we only had to take this train one stop (stupid construction). So we get on the next train, which we though would take us home, only to find out that this train took us all the way over to the west side (we live on the east side). Finally we get out of the subway and just take a taxi the rest of the way home.

Did I mention that this entire time I was sick with a cold?

moral of the story: it's going to be a long while until I venure out to the boroughs again...

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