Thursday, October 9


When I first moved here to New York I had no place to live. So Fabulous and her roommate, the One Man Boy Band, graciously let me sleep on their couch for a month. It was kind of a crazy system we had because there were only 2 keys to the apartment. Both Fabulous and One Man Boy Band work in restaurants so they were gone in the evenings, while I was at my 9-5 corporate america job.

The system was that when Fabulous left for work, she would leave the key under the mat so I get into the apartment when I got home from work. Then I in turn would leave it under the mat for her when she got home, so that she would not have to wake me in the wee hours of the morning when she got home to let her in.

Well one rainy day I come home from work, walk the five flights up to the apartment only to discover that there is NO key under the mat.


I tried contacting One Man Boy Band to see if he was maybe heading home early. No such luck there. I then tried contacting Fabulous. No luck either.

My only option then - scale down the fire escape. Yep, I walked the two more flights up to the roof (which had a gorgeous view by the way) and started climbing backwards down the fire escape. Not gonna lie in that it was definitely a little scary. But I made it to our apartment (thank god we leave the window open) and crawled inside.

It was actually pretty exciting times now that I look back on it. :)

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