Friday, October 10

Subway Crazies

So this will be a continuous posting of all the crazy people I meet in the subway.

The subway crazies (as I like to call them) are not only interesting for their antics, but also because...well first, it is a well known fact that New Yorkers are not exactly known for being the nicest people ever nor do ever really talk to strangers. Everyone just minds their own business. But these subway crazies make these I-am-just-minding-my-own-business-New-Yorkers ban together essentially. And when you think about it - it is kind of cool.

Subway Crazy #1:

This man was not necessarily crazy, but just kind of off. He was an older gentleman and walked hunched over. So we get into the subway train (which of course was pretty full) and crazy is standing next to me. It smelled sooooooooooo bad on the train and when I looked over at crazy... you could see a line of wetness down one of his pant legs. Yep, crazy had peed in his pants. Now I actually felt kind of bad for crazy because I really do not think he was all there upstairs and thus did not realize what happened.

But the smell was beyond horrendous. Seriously, I do not know if I have ever smelled anything so bad. The comical part of course was that everyone around him - we were all making faces together and laughing about how bad it smelled.

Subway Crazy #2:

This subway crazy really was crazy.

First, he tried to jump on the train when the doors were closing. So of course he got stuck in the doors, was yelling at the conductors to open the doors and then was finally let into the subway. He then proceeds to start talking at the top of lungs about who knows what. Complaining in general about people. I turned up the volume on my iPod to drown him out (my normal response to the people who get on the trains explaining their tragic life story and asking for money - I am not a horrible person I swear. it just gets a tad bit annoying after about the 10th tragic story, which of course is oddly similar to the nine stories before it..).

Then we get to the next stop - people get off the train and people get on. And the crazy (who was at the other end of the train car) gets back onto the train at the doors right next to me!! Aghh!

He goes into some rant about how we are all disgusting for standing so close to one another (meanwhile he is the one who wedged himself onto the train when there was clearly no room). Then he all of a sudden became a prophet or archangel or something to that effect and that he was there to save us. (p.s. - the entire time he is talking he has a cardboard box around one side of his head and an opened folder around the other trying to block anyone from looking at him).

The funny part was that these girls who were standing closer to him at the stop when he originally got on the train moved to the doors closest to me at the next stop to try and get away from him. Clearly that did not work out too well for them because he got on the train right next to them again. So this crazy was spouting off his prophecies or whatever, one of the girls starts singing (really well actually) to try and drown him out. It actually worked and he shut up (for a bit anyways). She then proceeded to ask the train car for requests. The entire car was laughing and some people even started to shout out songs for her to sing.

All in all, a very interesting train ride.

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