so it is quite common knowledge that I volunteer - a lot. but it does come with many advantages. and many of those are free. case in point - last night.
at the MET we have preview receptions for our higher paying members (i.e. $1000s and above every year) where they get to see the new exhibitions before anyone else does. now I don't have $1000s of dollars to donate to the museum of year, but I do donate my time (technically speaking). so last night I was invited to attend one of these receptions for FREE. and not only did Fabulous and I get to go to the museum after hours (which it is really cool at night, I must admit), but we got to drink wine for FREE. and they didn't have just wine - there was an array of liquor choices as well. so Fabulous and I sat at one of the tables they had set up amongst the sculptures, sipping on wine and eating these delicious little cracker cheese stick things (which of course ended up being my dinner).
(this isn't exactly what it looked like at the MET, but you get the general idea)